Starting in January 2021 we’ll host an IP webinar series on top things you should know about patents and trademarks in the Russia-Eurasia region. The webinar series will start on January 14 and end on April 8, 2021. The series consists of six webinars and will be held Thursdays at 4.30 pm EET.
See below our topics with speakers and join us online for these free IP webinars presented by our top IPR professionals.
Part 1, 14.1.2021: Trademarks in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus & Georgia – Speaker: Trademark Attorney Annikki Hämäläinen
Part 2, 28.1.2021: Trademarks in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan – Speaker: Trademark Attorney Annikki Hämäläinen
Part 3, 11.2.2021: Trademarks in Russia, Moldova, Ukraine and Uzbekistan – Speaker: European Trademark Attorney Riikka Palmos
Part 4, 4.3.2021: Patenting in Russia and Eurasia – Speaker: Patent Attorney Erik Viik
Part 5: 18.3.2021: Patenting in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Georgia – Speaker: Patent Specialist Alex Belotcerkovskii
Part 6: 8.4.2021: Pharmaceutical patenting in Russia – Speaker: European Patent Attorney Satu Lehesranta/European Patent Attorney Linda Norrgård
When registering you can also suggest topics to be covered in the webinars. We hope to see you online – welcome!