Papula-Nevinpat is very pleased to announce it has become a member of the Fintech Finland organization to raise awareness, and most importantly to increase IP understanding among Finnish fintech companies.
“Fintech Finland is very happy to have Papula-Nevinpat onboard and we are very much looking forward to our co-operation. IP rights are often considered hard to understand, so it is important to raise awareness especially on the benefits IP can provide”, says Kirsi Suopelto, CEO, Fintech Finland.
“Financial technology is a highly interesting and demanding sector with great growth possibilities. Papula-Nevinpat gladly helps Fintech Finland’s member companies to thrive by making sure IP issues are understood and kept in mind from the very beginning. This makes it possible to fully deploy the benefits provided by IP rights”, says Markku Simmelvuo, Managing Director at Papula-Nevinpat.
Finland has an active fintech landscape and a supporting ecosystem but according to a recent study, more actions are required to succeed in the international competition. IP rights can play an important role in the success of a company, but the benefits you can get from IP rights are not always thoroughly understood.
About Fintech Finland
Fintech Finland is a neutral, non-profit organization created to boost fintech services in Finland and help fintech companies grow internationally.Driven by its 70 members, representing different stakeholders of the Finnish fintech ecosystem, Fintech Finland actively promotes interests of the Finnish fintech industry. Fintech Finland builds bridges within the fintech ecosystem by sharing topical information, arranging a wide range of events and providing guidance and personal advice.ut Fintech Finland