Head of Client Relations, Patent Attorney

Erik Viik is a registered patent attorney (Eastern Patent Department) at Papula-Nevinpat. He is also the Head of Client Relations and a partner in the company.

His main responsibilities include advising customers on patent and utility model protection in Russia and other member states of the Eurasian Patent Convention, as well as marketing Papula-Nevinpat’s IP services in these regions to foreign customers. He is also a member of our company’s Legal Team Russia.

Erik earned his Master of Science in physics from the University of Helsinki in 2006.

Erik joined Papula-Nevinpat in 2007 as a patent specialist at the Eastern Patent Department, and his primary area of expertise covers patent legislation, patenting processes and searches in Russia and other Eurasian countries. In addition, Erik´s patent experience includes drafting and prosecuting patent applications. He has also written several articles in Finnish and international publications on various intellectual property issues in Russia and Eurasia.

Before joining Papula-Nevinpat, Erik completed training in the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN (2003), and has worked as an R&D engineer for one of the leading designers and manufacturers of silicon capacitive sensors (2004-2006).

Recent publication

E. Goussev, “Russia continues to attract Chinese patent applicants”, IAM Chinese Edition issue 6, 2017

E. Goussev, “How to best protect your intellectual property rights in the Russia-Euroasia region”, Asian’s patent lawyer’s Annual, 2017/18

E. Goussev, “Exception to lack of novelty of patent invention in Russia”, Global IP DB of the Japan Patent Office, January 2017

E. Goussev, “IPR equally valuable in Russia as in other regions”, Corporate Livewire, Expert Guide 2015, January 2016

E. Goussev, “Your exclusive right is your exclusive right also in Russia”, IPR University Center – IPRinfo 05/2015, December 2015

E. Goussev, “Two years of the Intellectual Property Court”, World Intellectual Property Review September/October 2015

E. Goussev, “Your exclusive right is your exclusive right also in Russia”, IPR University Center – IPRinfo 05/2015, December 2015

E. Goussev, “Patents Opposition”, the Lawyer Monthly Magazine, issue 59-1

E. Goussev, “Reform of the Russian Law”, Global IP DB of the Japan Patent Office, January 2015

E. Goussev, “Changes to practice relating to patents and utility models”, World Intelletual Property Review September/October 2014

Special expertise

MEMS, Sensors, Superconductors


Tuomo Saarinen

Technical fields

Material science
Measuring technology


Finnish, Russian, English, (Swedish)


SPAY (The Association of Finnish Patent Attorneys), FICPI