Riikka Palmos, a European Trademark Attorney, has authored an article discussing key developments in Ukraine and Russia. You can read the article in the latest PTMG (Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group) newsletter.
Read the article about the current IP rights' situation in Ukraine in the latest issue of the World Intellectual Property Review (issue 1/2024) written by European Trademark Attorney Riikka Palmos.
Both Ukraine and Russia have experienced significant changes in their IP landscapes as a secondary effect of the war. Read to learn what rights holders need to be aware of.
Annual statistics on Russian, Eurasian and Ukrainian patent applications shed more light on the consequences of Russia’s attack and the outlook the foreign companies currently have on the Russian and Ukrainian market as well as the stability of the intellectual property system in the region. Read more.
In the latest Expert Guide - Intellectual Property 2023 Papula-Nevinpat's European Trademark Lawyer Riikka Palmos provides some of the answers regarding managing IP rights in Russia and Ukraine.
Papula-Nevinpat's Riikka Palmos has written an article about the new IP landscape in Russia and Ukraine which was published in the latest edition of MUNDO ASIPI Magazine.
The state Intellectual Property Institute in Ukraine is currently under re-organization. We have listed some of the key changes.
Ukraine to suspend IP deadlines after a new bill is approved. Read our piece of news.
Read our announcement on the war in Ukraine and our IP services in the region.
Our patent specialist Aleksandr Belotcerkovskii shares some important insights on patenting in these four countries.
Read about some of the ins and outs of registering IP in Russia, Moldova, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
We are delighted to inform that Ukraine has finally adopted a new official opposition procedure for trademarks. The amendments were adopted by the Parliament of Ukraine on 21 July 2020, and are expected to be published shortly.