Papula-Nevinpat's trademark practice has once again been recognized in the top tier of the 2024 edition of World Trademark Review 1000 2024,
Getting your trademark registered is often the easy part – keeping it protected is another story. Brand owners need to watch out for non-use claims, bad-faith filings, and several other potential pitfalls. Read how to keep your trademark safe.
Our Riikka Palmos has written a blog about her experiences at the WIPR Trademarks North America conference.
Huhtamäki, a Finnish packaging industry veteran, has been at the forefront of developing alternatives to plastic packaging. The company is also active in the field of IP rights protection. Read more about the role of IP rights in Huhtamäki's business in our latest case article.
Our Trademark Lawyer Pauliina Heine blogs about the likelihood of confusion between trademarks and about the decision that the Market Court made.
From the trademark point of view, the merger of three formerly autonomous universities in 2010 meant that the new organization needed a new brand. Read our latest case article about the brand of Aalto University.
Why is it so important to protect your brand also in Russia? Our Russia IP specialist Riikka Palmos explains in her blog why and provides you with a checklist that helps to do safely business in Russia.
In case you couldn’t make it to the Russia IP Update sessions, you can read the presentation by our trademark attorney Riikka Palmos here.
Read about the key changes in the new Finnish Trademarks Act that came into force on 1 May 2019.
The 2019 INTA Annual Meeting is just days away! Our IP experts team, Annikki Hämäläinen, Heidi Mikkola, Jussi Mikkola, Riikka Palmos, Markku Simmelvuo and Marina Smirnova look forward to meeting as many clients and friends as possible.