Our trademark attorney Annikki Hämäläinen was interviewed for a piece in the Asia IP Magazine about Kazakhstan to create a roadmap for IP improvement.
Because of the current state of emergency and nationwide internet outages in Kazakhstan, the Kazakh Intellectual Property Office has decided to disregard the deadlines falling during the state of emergency, currently in effect until 19 January 2022.
Our patent specialist Aleksandr Belotcerkovskii shares some important insights on patenting in these four countries.
Our Trademark Attorney Annikki Hämäläinen was interviewed for the article.
Papula-Nevinpat's patent attorneys have been interviewed about the recent Memorandum of Understanding signed by Singapore and the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding an IP cooperation. The article appeared in the October 2019 edition of the Asia IP Magazine.
We have listed the six major changes that came into force on 3 July 2018. The objective of the amendments is to modernize the existing legislation, and to simplify the trademark registration process.